About me

Hello there and forgive me if you thought I was a woman when it actually turns out I’m a middle-aged, obese man! It surprises many people when they come here expecting to see a Gemma or Gwendolyn only to find a Gavin.

my image

Although this was taken a few years back, it’s a fair representation of what I actually look like. (I’m not particularly photogenic)

So I always wanted to be a writer but never thought I was good enough – some will probably say I’m still not! – until someone took a chance and published my first book The Spaces in Between back in 2014.

The Spaces In Between: A Novella by [Ough, Gavin]

Before that I used to cut grass all summer and trees all winter. I’ve cleaned toilets, supermarkets, a nightclub, offices and various factories.

I live in Kent with my wife Kerri, two of my three daughters, a loving chocolate Labrador called Fudge, a hostile Yorkshire Terrier called Arthur and four cats who all do nothing to help me write.

My first love has has always been fantasy writing but I also found an affinity for romantic comedy or chick-lit and sci-fi as well.

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